Daily Quotes

There is a hidden meaning behind all events that serves our transformation. We access this meaning when we dare to encounter reality as it is, purging our ego’s inclination to judge – or compare, compete, conflict, conspire, condemn, critique, or cancel out any contrary evidence.

The following quotes invite us to respect everything for being exactly as it is, in an attempt to free us from any distortions or filters. They expose an original unity and recognize that everything that divides and separates weakens chances for joy. They acknowledge that everything follows the same beat of life pulsing beneath all the distractions and preferences we create. There is value in regularly being called back to this vital rhythm that we share with everything that exists. We would like to invite those of you interested in entering more deeply into this Presence and Flow to the following practice.

There are a dozen quotes offered each day. Read all quotes for the day and choose one that speaks to you. Go back to it a couple times during the day, quietly listening to what it may be inviting you to consider. The next day, do the same with the new set of quotes. Daily taking a couple minutes this way will support a turn toward an awakening of how our true gift intersects with others within graced circumstances of mutual exchange. Practicing this with another spiritual companion exponentially multiplies its value. Just like practices of meditation or exercise, you can expect shifts in expansion at the 3rd, 9th and 12th month periods.

    1. Either we wobble endlessly between the walls of our own ego, or we go toward Life of a larger kind no matter what is demanded on the way.

    2. If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.

    3. Fixation on pleasure, possessions, power, protection, popularity, privilege, perks, performance, prestige, preference, position; sedates.

    4. Rejection and what is perceived as failure are really only catalysts to move us on.

    5. If we don't choose love, we end up going in a way that predictably leaves us trapped in dis-ease, victimhood, entitlement, and anger.

    6. The first step to get anywhere is to not be willing to stay somewhere.

    7. Not all growth takes place in the sunlight. Most beginnings are activated in darkness.

    8. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. So, we either Forget Everything And Run, or Face, Embrace, Accept and Release.

    9. Our task is to free ourselves from restricting our personal affection for only the few people nearest us and widen our circle of compassion.

    10. We are a part of the whole and yet we experience ourselves as separated from the rest. This optical illusion is a prison for us.

    11. Wisdom is different than knowledge. Knowledge is self-generated knowing. Wisdom is a knowing by participation – to know with.

    12. We are not simply imperfect creatures who need improvement. We must surrender, say we’re sorry, and get ready to start life over again.

  • 13. The isolated individual is not a real person. To be real one must live in and for others. In relationship, we realize ourselves as persons.

    14. Liberation from the bondage of the soil is no freedom for the plant.

    15. No one wishes to be guided or pushed into a mapped-out path, to be ruled, or to rule. The way to God is uncharted and freely chosen.

    16. Not all that we see of ourselves - our hypocrisy and phoniness for example - is beautiful. This is part of why we flee silence.

    17. The only path to life, freedom, peace, and love is to die to the false self and come to know our true self. This begins with stillness.

    18. Human nature vigorously resists grace because grace changes us and change is often painful.

    19. One of the great-unacknowledged sources of illness is the repression of our feelings. This results in a decline of our capacity for joy.

    20. There can be no true person unless there are two, entering into communication with one another. This is love.

    21. The blood of injustice is economics. We must seek justice by coming up with means of redistributing goods and wealth to those in need.

    22. Discipleship involves solidarity with the poor, loyalty to nonviolence, community, public action for justice, and contemplative prayer.

    23. What’s needed is a model by which we can live out creative alternatives that can break cycles of wealth and poverty that oppress people.

    24. Faith is first and foremost about lifestyle. It is not primarily about a belief system.

  • 25. Discipleship calls for an alternative personal, social and economic way of life.

    26. We can continue to simply give charity or we can develop people and support them in the determination of their own destinies.

    27. Heaven is universal belonging and connecting.

    28. What we need is a change in our institutional behavior equal to the change that can occur in our own lives.

    29. The challenge is to commit ourselves to just redistribution in terms of creating a new economics in broken communities.

    30. Discipleship asks for the relinquishment of job security, personal comforts, family protection, and allegiance to the culture.

    31. Voluntary poverty flows from sharing whatever we can with those in need.

    32. Let us redirect those resources that now cater to the special interests of the few and refocus themselves on the needs of all.

    33. Love begins with the will to let others be themselves, the resolution to not change them to fit our needs.

    34. There is a source of power in each of us that we don't realize until we take responsibility.

    35. We belong to God. So does everybody else. If we are conscious of this reality, then our professions will flow out of this consciousness.

    36. The Son of God became man that we might become god. We become by grace what God is by nature.

  • 37. Discipleship opens the possibility of failure, loss of reputation, irrelevance, loneliness, suffering, persecution and imprisonment.

    38. We are that which we seek.

    39. When two or more commit to be available to others in enduring and unconditional belonging, healing and authentic community emerge.

    40. Resurrection is the becoming aware of renewed life amidst loss and suffering.

    41. We do not find the meaning of life by mere study or in isolated meditations – we find it with another. The one we love reveals it to us.

    42. If we do not give away or pass on what we have received, we will not keep it.

    43. Seeing "the suffering face of an other" transforms both persons – the seer and the seen. The heart and mind of both collide.

    44. So much is done to deal with crisis that one would think that at least as much effort would be put into avoiding it in the first place.

    45. Let us not just to minister to the poor, but work to do away with poverty. The social order begs for change.

    46. Freedom happens when our journey takes us beyond ourselves into care for the other.

    47. Love cannot be hidden any more than can light. It cannot be hidden when it shines forth in action. We are born to give light.

    48. Let us not compromise ourselves, since we are all we've got.

  • 49. Life does not come from outside us. It is generated from the inside, where God already is. Once this is realized, life is very different.

    50. Every person, even our worst enemy, belongs to God. The more we realize this; the more hate dissolves.

    51. Once death is incorporated into our lives, we are already in heaven and there is no possibility or fear of hell.

    52. The early Christians were known by how they loved one another. What would it take for people to say that of us again?

    53. Doing nothing is never an option as long as inequities remain entrenched in the fabric of the culture.

    54. Avoid dividing the world into them and us. If we do, our hearts harden. There are not two worlds, one in God’s hands and the other not.

    55. Without justice, peace remains a grand illusion.

    56. Rats live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is a privilege to live under the laws of justice and mercy.

    57. Since everything in creation participates in God's infinite goodness, our job is to trust and allow that as much as possible.

    58. We are all worthy of God’s goodness and can approach life with trust. Never doubt that God can work out great results for and in us.

    59. When we silently enter into the cloister of nature and creation, our relationship with the Creator is deepened.

    60. We are a combination of what we are living for, and what is keeping us from living fully for that which we want to live for.

  • 73. We become free as we let go of our need for power and control, our need for safety and security, and our need for affection and esteem.

    74. If we practiced simplicity and shared the world's resources with one another, we would have nothing to fear from others.

    75. The more we can distinguish between our true needs and our wants, the more we are surprised to realize how little is enough.

    76. To hold hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.

    77. It is time to have time be how we spend our love.

    78. The greatest revolution comes when we discover that change of our inner attitudes brings about change in the outer aspects of our lives.

    79. When content with what we have, rejoice in the way things are, and realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world then belongs to us.

    80. To associate with a marginalized group creates an enlightened perspective that instigates conversion to compassion.

    81. There is a great gulf between the way our ego identifies our life, with its protective masks and self-serving fictions, and our truer self.

    82. Two look out through the same bars: one sees mud and one the stars.

    83. Letting go makes space within and without, so that we can be filled with a love that then can flow out in joyful service to the world.

    84. Dare not define love apart from suffering, for without suffering, love is mere sentimentality and stripped of its power.

  • 85. If we take for ourselves only enough to meet our needs and released the rest for those who need it, there would be no rich and no poor.

    86. As we do good works, let us not forget that we are here to help create a world where charity is no longer necessary.

    87. What is needed is to participate in a community where we are accepted, our gifts are recognized, and there is a sense of belonging.

    88. The power that heals and renews is an inner authority that comes from those who have lost, let go, and are re-found on a new level.

    89. Some form of suffering is absolutely necessary to teach us how to live beyond the illusion of control and to give that control back to God.

    90. When we trust the eventual passing of all things, we then no longer wait for liberation after death, but grasp it in the here and now.

    91. Forgiveness and compassion confront wrongdoing while remaining connected with one’s capacity for transformation.

    92. We are not free at all until we are free from ourselves. It is that simple and that difficult.

    93. Within any life of egotistic self-advancement, an alternative life focused on easing the needs and suffering of others beckons.

    94. Being is more important than doing, the heart more important than the mind, doing things together more important than doing things alone.

    95. Forgiveness is letting go. It is giving up our investment in and identification with our painful stories.

    96. Think of the ills from which we are exempt.

  • 97. Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

    98. The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves but in our attitude towards them.

    99. The greatest part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.

    100. Surrendering of superiority, or the need for superiority, is central to any authentic enlightenment.

    101. The path to wholeness, where the past is over, the hurts forgotten, and the wounds healed, continues on throughout our lives.

    102. We don't come to God by eliminating our imperfection, but by rejoicing in it because it makes us aware of our need for God's mercy.

    103. When we become aware of our need for love, we give ourselves to God's loving embrace and then freely share love with others.

    104. Pain and loss expose treasures that would otherwise remain forever hidden.

    105. We are no more than an instrument of God, we live only as long as God wants us to live, and do only as much as God makes us able to.

    106. Our failures open our hearts of stone and move the rigid mind space toward understanding and patience.

    107. It is in doing it wrong, being rejected, and experiencing pain that we are lead to total reliance upon God.

    108. In a world where imperfection is everywhere, the humble and honest have a head start in spiritual matters and more easily find God.

  • 109. Weakness and powerlessness in our lives is what we all have in common. There's a broken, wounded part inside each of us.

    110. One who limps still walks.

    111. The quickest ticket to heaven is to calmly acknowledged littleness. Then we have nothing to prove, to protect, or to promote.

    112. The ego does not like the fact that our conscious need for daily mercy is our only real boarding pass for heaven.

    113. When inspired, dormant forces become alive and we discover a power within ourselves far greater than we ever imagined.

    114. Our enemies always carry our own faults in a different form. We will never face our dark side until we embrace those who threaten us.

    115. The transformed self no longer lives in denial of its weakness because it does not need to pretend that it is any more than it actually is.

    116. We don't think our way into a new kind of living. We live our way into a new kind of thinking.

    117. Both our gifts as well as our losses are used to further the realm of love.

    118. A long loving look at the real helps us to see in a new way, to see from a pair of glasses beyond our own. It’s a participative seeing.

    119. We are nothing more and nothing less than who we are in the eyes of God.

    120. Spirituality means waking up. Tragically, most of us never get to see that all is well because we are asleep.

  • 121. A person who wants to love sees very differently than a person who needs to be right and operates out of self-interest.

    122. We become impoverished and impaired when we unquestioningly follow someone else’s ideas.

    123. Blind obedience of authority may make an institution work more smoothly, but its constituents will remain in a childlike, dependent state.

    124. Everyone and every part of creation is inherently deserving of respect because all reflect a part of the image of the God.

    125. Too many of us miss the silver lining because we’re expecting gold.

    126. Mercy is not pity. Pity brings distance, even looking down upon. Mercy comes from a compassionate heart – a desire to be an equal.

    127. When we become engaged with those from the underside of society, to those who suffer, we come to an understanding of how God transforms.

    128. When we read reality through the eyes and authority of those who have suffered and been rejected, we too become initiated by life.

    129. Prayer is a longing from a heart without words, rather than words without a heart. It is daily recognition of our trust.

    130. Having a strong passion about what we are for is far more helpful than just knowing what we are against, what is wrong, what we must not do.

    131. When we become fully conscious, all things become beautiful. To hate or to fear is to have fallen into a temporary unconsciousness.

    132. We are punished by our weaknesses rather than for them. Weakness is something to be wept over and pitied, not something to be hated.

  • 133. The importance of detachment from things, the importance of poverty, is that we become free from things that we might prefer to people.

    134. Those who want to go fast, go alone. Those who want to go far, go with others.

    135. It is difficult to give solitude any sort of priority in today’s times. The world simply does not understand this need to be alone.

    136. The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better. If we believe in certain core values, we’ll put them into practice.

    137. When preaching the Gospel, use words only when absolutely necessary.

    138. We are asked to spend our lives carving a particular stone without knowing where it will take its place within the grand design.

    139. No one wants a sore spot touched. Likewise, a society with sores will twitch when one with courage touches one and proposes treatment.

    140. Doing anything and everything solely for God changes the entire nature of human interaction and eliminates most conflict.

    141. True growth in holiness is not about will power. It is a willingness to love and be loved and a surrendering of our need to win or be right.

    142. How do we move from the obsession to be correct … to the mission to connect?

    143. God is a verb more than a noun.

    144. Levels of spiritual development begin with dualistic, exclusionary, either/or thinking and then evolve into a more inclusive way of seeing.

  • 145. Let us not merely compare ourselves with our former lives, for today just being better than yesterday does not make us saints.

    146. It is what it is. It is not helpful to continue dividing the field of every moment between good and bad, right or wrong, for or against.

    147. When we let go of our need to fix others or to rearrange the moment because it is not to our liking, we come to see so much more clearly.

    148. Coming to consciousness is not a discovery of some new thing; it is the return to that which has always been.

    149. If we withhold from labeling things too quickly, we will see them in themselves, apart from the concepts that have become their substitutes.

    150. God cannot be seen if we do not include the mysterious, the confusing, the fearful, the unfamiliar, or anything outside our comfort zone.

    151. Our spiritual journey is about awakening and discovering that deeper part of us that always was, always is and always will be.

    152. To the measure we put ourselves at the disposal of God’s cause and will, to that degree we come to know that every need can be answered.

    153. When we count all our assets, we always show a profit.

    154. We cannot spell forgiving without spelling giving. We cannot spell brothers without others. We cannot spell communion without union.

    155. To apply synchronicity, we are required to give up old ideas, our notion of coincidence, of mistakes, our belief that people are imperfect.

    156. Every single event and person is connected. There are no accidents. We have a unique purpose and calling and it is our duty to fulfill it.

  • 157. The universe is complete and perfect. There are no mistakes. Nothing is random. The entire symphony is exquisitely synchronized.

    158. Love without courage and wisdom is sentimentality. Courage without love and wisdom lacks common sense. Wisdom without love and courage is cowardice.

    159. When we separate life into categories of holy and the unholy, spiritual and the material, earthly and the heavenly, we get divided as well.

    160. Only when we recognize our need for others and reach out and open up to them will things move forward.

    161. The religious quest is not about discovering ‘the truth’ or ‘the meaning of life’ but about living as intensely as possible here and now.

    162. We are here for a brief sojourn. We exist for those whose welfare our happiness depends as well as those unknown whose destinies we share.

    163. Our lives depend on the labors of others, living and dead. Let us give in the same measure as we have received and are still receiving.

    164. The love for the one who does not love us but mocks, threatens, and inflicts pain; this is God's love. It conquers the world.

    165. Sharing resources out of obligation or guilt is different than sharing goods out of an experience of joy and spontaneous offering.

    166. Behaving differently about money is a visible consequence of living out a new economy that the Spirit would have us create.

    167. Without belief there is no successful outcome.

    168. Surrender flows from instant forgiveness and gratitude for the experience of this life.

  • 169. We serve, but are not the doer of the work. We are the facilitators, the instruments. In other words, we are just one part of the symphony.

    170. Some serve today even though they know for certainty that their world could end for them tomorrow. This is where we learn about freedom.

    171.The penalty of affluence is that it cuts one off from the common lot, common experience, and common fellowship in the human family.

    172. When we live outwardly the inner experience of union, we as a people move toward compassion, justice, and inclusivity wherever we are.

    173. As more of the lies that maintain our society are exposed, we as a people come closer to confront the greatest deception in our history.

    174. It is impossible to amass any kind of fortune without depriving thousands of others. Their lives are destroyed through unemployment.

    175. Our true family is those who love God, and who have a passionate concern for just conditions in every corner of human society.

    176. A simple-minded, unquestioned, or stubborn devotion to the man-made family unit only blocks the creation of the universal God-created one.

    177. When not tied to one sacred text, we can discover the sacred everywhere and sense God’s presence while loving, eating, working and playing.

    178. If we want to work our way out of our desperate situation, another spirit must enter into us. We cannot continue in paralyzing mistrust.

    179. The kind of work we do does not make us holy. However, we can make the kind of work we do holy.

    180. Believing in Jesus is not what matters. Becoming like Christ is what does.

  • 181. Let us live while we are alive and release our inner selves from the spiritual death that comes with living behind our conforming façade.

    182. When the familiar is challenged, we are still unlikely to let go of past certitudes because of our fear of the unknown and lack of control.

    183. Without some inner experience of powerlessness and the wisdom that potentially comes with it, most of us will misunderstand and abuse power.

    184. Moral requirements just leave us in a continuous seesaw of deflation and inflation, with a strong undercurrent of denial and delusion.

    185. Our wounds remind us that we are survivors and in spite of them are going the distance. Our wounds do not make us victims. They renew us.

    186. Both dark and light, joy and grief, good and evil play a part and cannot be excluded without disrupting the flow of gifts from the universe.

    187. A nonviolent life is not only possible, but it is not more difficult than a life of gain, nor more unpleasant than a life of pleasure.

    188. To fail to be open, to listen and learn, and to fail to admit our wrongs, is to live forever displaced from the center of our lives.

    189. Rather be unkind but true, than one that is nice but not genuine. We can be sorry for an unkind word, but hypocrisy causes permanent harm.

    190. When we look with God's eyes and listen with God's ears we come to know our place within God's good creation.

    191. Those who fear death are most afraid to live. We fear life and death because we cling. When we cling to nothing, we fear nothing.

    192. Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

  • 193. If we love someone but rarely make ourselves available to him or her, we do not truly love that person.

    194. When transformed, everything hurt, dark, harsh, shameful, ugly and irreparably damaged is then recognized as whole, lovely and beloved.

    195. There are only two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

    196. Community, whether it is a brief, single encounter or the daily fellowship of years, is only this: that we belong to one another.

    197. To get to actual inner experience, we have to move beyond participation in the belief or belonging systems set up by religious institutions.

    198. It is amazing how much pain can be pacified and how much despair can be dissolved in a place where we feel we belong.

    199. When we welcome those who do not think as we do, who do not have faith, the persecuted, the unemployed, etc., we become richly blessed.

    200. Presence is a deep connection that pulls us, intensely satisfied, into the undefended now that simultaneously includes both joy and sadness.

    201. Grace is a gift from God and not of man's deserving. But certainly no one ever receives it without tremendous labor and burning desire.

    202. Today, we are blind to most oppression and injustice because its indirect, systemic structure wears a mask of normalcy or even of necessity.

    203. The only thing keeping us from God and heaven is our false notion that we are separate from God.

    204. In talk between 2 there are 6 present. What each said are 2; what each meant to say are 2; what each understood the other to say are 2.

  • 205. There is no concept of God that can contain God. If we comprehend it, it is not God. We come to know God as we let go of ideas about God.

    206. Before conversion, we pray to God as if God were an object out there. After conversion, we look out from God with eyes other than your own.

    207. The purpose of community is to open the heart, explore the mystery of union, search for truth, and celebrate the effort of being human.

    208. No one cares how much we know until they know how much we care.

    209. There is a giant asleep within every one of us. When that giant awakes, miracles happen.

    210. The only way to live is to accept each minute as an unrepeatable miracle.

    211. A friend is one who empties, fills with God and, instead of being irritated by interruption and daily resentments, feels those as helpful.

    212. Soon we shall die, and we ourselves shall be loved for a while and forgotten. Love is the only survival, the only meaning.

    213. There is a land of the living and a land of the dead. The bridge is love.

    214. No problem can be solved or no dis-ease can be healed by the same consciousness that caused it.

    215. When we open ourselves to the depths of suffering and love, a compassion that recognizes God within self, others and all things emerges.

    216. Life itself heartens us to live from a place of non-judgment, forgiveness, love, and a quiet contentment with the ordinariness of our lives.

  • 217. The only test of a valid religious idea, doctrinal statement, or devotional practice is that it must lead directly to practical compassion.

    218. It is in falling down that we learn almost everything that matters spiritually. We must make friends with our own mistakes.

    219. To live life fully we must withdraw our cooperation from that which brings death and put our energies into that which brings life.

    220. The place which God takes within us is never vacated, for in us is God’s home of homes. It is God’s greatest delight to dwell there.

    221. The love of God creates in us such a unity that when it is truly seen, no person can separate themselves from another person.

    222. A man sat next to a youngster. He was wearing only one shoe. “You’ve evidently lost a shoe, son.” “No, man,” came the reply. “I found one.”

    223. God can only see Christ in us, because we are the extended Body of Christ in space and time; Christ is what God sees and cannot not love.

    224. Homelessness is fundamentally not just about shelter. It is about having no one and therefore no place to call your own.

    225. God may be reached by means of love, but never by means of thought.

    226. We each must learn to live in the cloud of our own unknowing.

    227. Union with God as God is, is to discover one’s self as one is. Connecting with our true nature is connecting with God’s true nature.

    228. The fertilizer that stimulates the growth of violence is yesterday’s violence. Even legitimate defense brings vengeance in its train. Fresh crimes always ensue.

  • 229. Our future, if we turn to God, is not determined by our past. God’s forgiveness creates the possibility of an entirely new future.

    230. Poverty is not the problem; it is the solution. Until we connect in simplicity and equality with each other, human misery will continue.

    231. Within all human beings there is a mysterious action of the Spirit in their inmost being that stirs them on to love.

    232. Love is the deepest kind of knowing.

    233. Since thought cannot comprehend God, prefer to abandon all that can be known, and choose rather to love what cannot be known.

    234. The inaction of human beings over time contributes to crises. The action of human beings over time solves crises.

    235. Part of the genius of the Bible is that it preserved a record of bad and good, weakness and strength, corruption and compassion.

    236. One kind word can warm three winter months.

    237. We are to lift our heart up with a gentle stirring of love, desiring God for his own sake and not for the gifts desired.

    238. Forgiveness creates an obligation for which there are no exceptions allowed. Love is a fire that goes out if it does not kindle others.

    239. We who have received must give. Though it is better to give much, it is essential to give a part at least.

    240. What is left over when we have nothing more to give is enough.

  • 241. A lie doesn’t become a truth and a wrong doesn’t become a right and an evil doesn’t become a good just because it’s popular.

    242. Our spiritual lives are linked to the material conditions of our life. When we don’t feel need, we often don’t remember why we need God.

    243. We are to give the poor more than food to eat and relief from their sickness. We are to be restored with them to God’s beloved community.

    244. We cannot break attachments by force; they are the expression of an inner hunger. When that hunger is eased, attachments fall away.

    245. If we truly love God, we will love not only the compassion and mercy, but also that which prunes and purifies.

    246. Most conflicts come from trying to deal with the spiritual and practical aspects of our life separately instead of realizing them as one.

    247. The path to God leads us on a journey of self-discovery. To know the self is to know God.

    248. God is ever alluring and inviting us home. Our longing for God is the core motivation of our beings.

    249. Busyness can make us believe that we are in control and indispensable. Focusing primarily on fulfilling obligations can make us lose focus.

    250. Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

    251. With love, the walls of hostility, division, and fragmentation within us and among us are encountered, touched, and healed.

    252. When things are valued too much, they lose their value because they nourish a never-satisfied craving for more.

  • 253. When things are received as gifts from God and used obediently in service to God, they are enriched with gratitude.

    254. Contentment lies not in obtaining things you want, but in giving thanks for what you have.

    255. God works with us in secret, because if we knew what would eventually be asked of us, we would either try to take charge of the process.

    256. No one oversees even the demise of his or her false self willingly. God undoes our illusions secretly, when we are not in control.

    257. The love of God protects us from nothing, while at the same time; it sustains us in all things.

    258. What are we doing for the least of those in our communities?

    259. People of faith are found in the neighborhood of human confusion and suffering, defenselessly alongside those in need.

    260. Even though we cannot change what we’ve done, we can change how our past will affect the choices we make now.

    261. Why should we wait to unlock the deeply ingrained self-defeating patterns that are preventing us from joy, prosperity and freedom?

    262. Humility is not self-deprecation or low self-esteem. It is recognition that we are small, passing, and insignificant as a separate self.

    263. The only thing left to do is to let go of the ego's need for self-importance and validation and simply turn our attention toward God.

    264. When we sacrifice ourselves for God’s will and seek the kingdom of God with our whole heart, our joy will be unbroken and lasting.

  • 265. If we step on people in this life we may come back as a cockroach.

    266. Without community, there is no accountability for what we too easily believe. Then, our own ego ends up being the decider moment by moment.

    267. The present moment is the only ever-flowing source of life.

    268. All things are a manifestation of God's grace. Therefore, let us ignore ourselves and think only of what God is doing.

    269. Our only satisfaction must be to live in the present moment as if there were nothing to expect beyond it.

    270. A community becomes a healing force when wounds and pain become openings or occasions for a new vision.

    271. Shared confession can become a mutual deepening of hope if the sharing of weakness becomes a reminder to one and all of the coming strength.

    272. Holiness is doing God's will in love at each successive moment as life unfolds, surrendering into God's providence.

    273. Perfection is our ability to include, forgive, and accept both our and other’s imperfection.

    274. Much of our behavior is knee-jerk reactions. Every time we choose love over our habituated brain reactions, we expand our realm of freedom.

    275. It is so easy to commit ourselves to action until the actions exhaust us and we can no longer even remember why we set out to do them.

    276. A great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth.

  • 277. External hatred emerges only after decades of inner fear, hatred, and negativity grow unchecked and unrecognized.

    278. Always try to be a little kinder than is necessary.

    279. We are so made that whenever anything fires our soul, impossibilities vanish.

    280. Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, we will not find peace.

    281. We all are capable of great compassion or great indifference. We have it within our means to nourish the former and outgrow the latter.

    282. Our true value is determined by how we treat those who can do us absolutely no good.

    283. A pat on the back, though only a few vertebrae removed from a kick in the pants, is miles ahead in results.

    284. Love comprises the essence of all vocations. It is both everything and eternal.

    285. While suffering, we experience our powerlessness. To willingly surrender into God's love and will at this time, is to become one with God.

    286. If God is omnipresent, than everything that comes into our life has something of God in it to be experienced and loved – not hated.

    287. Practice patience when impatient. Observe where it shows up in the body. Let the feeling/moment be as it is. It is what it is. All is grace.

    288. Expectation of the kingdom cannot be a passive waiting. Belief in the future must bring change to the present.

  • 289. The spirit of expectation is the spirit of action because it is the spirit of faith. If we have faith, we know that anything is possible.

    290. The things that we love tell us who and what we are.

    291. When we are impatient, we try to get away from where we are. Patience asks to be completely present to the moment, to be where we are.

    292. The treasure we look for is hidden in the ground on which we stand.

    293. No one is given a dream without being given the power to make it come true.

    294. The sign that there is no brotherliness is gossip. Gossip is the terrorism of any community.

    295. Everything is sacred. Through our works, heaven draws us to itself.

    296. If we go down into ourselves, we find that we possess exactly what we desire.

    297. One of the worst of human sufferings is not to find a way to love, or a place to work and give of our heart and our being.

    298. Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world seek each other so that the world may come to being.

    299. Each activity of daily life in which we stretch ourselves on behalf of others is a prayer of action.

    300. Love, or the Christ within, is an energy into which all the chosen elements of creation are fused without losing their identity.

  • 301. We need more of us to move from the pursuit of success to become peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers.

    302. The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects the wind to change. A leader adjusts the sails.

    303. It is the nature of grace to fill spaces that have been emptied.

    304. Haste has no blessing.

    305. One that never climbs will never fall.

    306. We are called to be food and drink for one another each and every day.

    307. The one who moved mountains began by carrying away small stones.

    308. We are created to follow our bliss.

    309. Healing is impossible in loneliness. To be healed we join with others in the feast of Creation.

    310. Life only demands the strength we possess. Only one deed is sensible. Do not run away.

    311. Dying to the false self is a wild night and a new way.

    312. Whenever we survive a test, whatever it may be, it is our duty to tell the story.

  • 313.The best way to know God is to love many things.

    314. Wherever there is great love or great suffering, there are always miracles close by.

    315. The ego does not want to change. The shadow self relies on delusion and denial. Only the world of relationships exposes both of these.

    316. A change of heart always comes before, and very soon after becomes, a change of mind.

    317. Forgiveness unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hate. It breaks the chain of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness.

    318. If we are silent about our pain, they’ll kill us and say we enjoyed it.

    319. We cannot do everything at once. However, we can do something at once.

    320. Leaving the familiar for a new land is what it means to be on the journey of faith.

    321. Without new experiences, new thinking is rare. After a new experience, new thinking and behavior comes naturally and even becomes necessary.

    322. Only purpose and faith combat the slough of selfishness, doubt, and negation in which our culture submerged.

    323. We can’t do it unless we imagine it.

    324. When we cease to wander in search of individual ends, we can march together conscious of one origin and one goal.

  • 325. Every strong faith that arises on the ruins of outlived beliefs influences human behavior and changes the existing social order.

    326. An overly protected life, a life focused on thinking more than experiencing, does not know deeply.

    327. We are not called to ease burdens of those in pain only to be helpful. Being in solidarity with the real is for our own transformation.

    328. Only near the poor, close to "the tears of things", in solidarity with suffering, can we understand ourselves and love one another well.

    329. The view from the top of anything is distorted by misperception, illusions, fear of falling, and a radical disconnection from the heart.

    330. We can spend our lives climbing a ladder of success only to find, once we reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.

    331. Incarnation means embodiment. It is where the spiritual world is revealed in the material world.

    332. To understand everything is to forgive everything.

    333. When we seek what is truest within ourselves, we discover we are one with those who seek what is truest within themselves.

    334. We are called to recognize, surrender to, and ultimately be identified with a Mystery that is utterly beyond all concepts and words.

    335. Inevitably we realize that the boundless, birthless, deathless mystery of God is manifesting itself and giving itself to us in every breath.

    336. When we experience ourselves as beloved, we then bare witness to that realization by the way we treat others, all things, and ourselves.

  • 337. The timeless in us is aware of life’s timelessness. That which sings in us flows from that moment when the stars were scattered into space.

    338. The Wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of impossibility.

    339. Hate is just a failure of the imagination.

    340. Any pain that we do not transform, we will undoubtedly transmit.

    341. We do not come to inner peace unless we ground our life in an inflowing and outflowing love.

    342. We cannot heal what we do not first acknowledge.

    343. There is a gift in every trial, sorrow and duty. Even our joys conceal divine gifts. Life is full of meaning. Earth but cloaks our heaven.

    344. To be alive means to be free from all projections, all distortions, all delusions, all strategies, all agendas, and all belief systems.

    345. We need a deep experience of radical participation to break beyond our normal illusion of ego separateness.

    346. The ability to see reality as it really is, free of all concepts that distort it, transforms the suffering we now know.

    347. In order to have compassion for others, we have to have compassion for ourselves.

    348. What makes us suffer is clinging to or craving things that are passing away, or trying to avoid things that are unavoidable.

  • 349. God is not out there.

    350. Experts tell us what can’t be done and why. After listening, go ahead and do it.

    351. Only when we are resting in our deep center, the indwelling spirit, can we be of loving service to others over the long haul.

    352. If we don't choose daily and deliberately to practice kindness, it is unlikely that a year from now we will be any more loving.

    353. The sound of rain needs no translation.

    354. In the jungle of our human will, a rendezvous with God usually turns up in disguise and in circumstances that cannot be foreseen.

    355. Everyone and anyone who struggles for justice, who makes just claims in unjust surroundings, is working for God’s reign.

    356. Planted inside us is a desire for what God already wants to give us.

    357. Our loneliness is intended to urge us to find something to live for – to find something great enough to die for.

    358. We must move from the realm of abstraction and dreams into the physical realm of risk and results.

    359. People who accept themselves accept others. People who hate themselves hate others.

    360. Knowing a loving God gives us full freedom to love and accept every part of our self.

  • 361. Even if our life has been a disaster, destroyed by vices, drugs, illness, or anything else for that matter, God is still in our life.

    362. The opportunity of a lifetime is to become who we truly are.

    363. Others will forget what we said or what we did. They will not forget how we made them feel.

    364. The ark was built by amateurs and the Titanic by experts.

    365. Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

    366. The root cause of violence is the illusion that we are separated from each other. It is what causes us to fight people who are not like us.

    367. The wounded are those who are best positioned to contribute to the healing of others.

    368. God gives us everything we need to continue the work of creating a new earth.

    369. Life begins from the desire to create something original, to bring a new being into form.

    370. We are made whole when we cooperate with the drive within us to give ourselves totally to something or someone.

    371. Conversion is an incessant process that proceeds layer-by-layer, relationship-by-relationship until the will have been recreated by God.

    372. Love is the strongest force in the world and yet it is the humblest imaginable.

  • 373. Nonviolence is not primarily a means of achieving unity. It is essentially the fruit of an inner unity already achieved.

    374. To live humanly in an inhuman world requires steadfast, persistent, committed, patient, relentless, truthful, loving and active nonviolence.

    375. Change happens not because one person was wise or unselfish, but because communities joined their wisdom and energy toward a common goal.

    376. When the poor or powerless start to see that they really can make a difference, nothing quenches their fire.

    377. God does not die when we cease to believe, but we die when our lives cease to be illuminated by the source of which is beyond reason.

    378. Wish not for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of what is possible. Pleasure disappoints. Possibility never lets us down.

    379. If we do not cry out against injustice, our silence consents to it.

    380. To increase our love for God and each other, as the world is convulsed with hatred and strife and selfishness, is a lifetime job.

    381. When we love each other enough to bear each other's faults and burdens, we light that fire where no sacrifice or suffering seems too much.

    382. When we work for the love of God and others, it is not work at all. When we suffer for justice for the poor, it is not suffering at all.

    383. A simple lifestyle is simply an act of solidarity with the way most people have lived since the beginnings of humanity.

    384. Retributive justice and violence are lazy and uncreative ways to approach the problem of evil. Restorative solutions require more from us.

  • 385. Nonviolence forces us to abandon any shortcut to social change. Violence, the shortcut, is a trap that triggers the savage in us.

    386. When we are involved in constructive change, we tend to be less violent than those who are not engaged in creative rebuilding.

    387. Forgiveness is an absolute necessity for continued human existence.

    388. Each and every one of us is capable of making a contribution to peace.

    389. When God speaks in the silence of our heart, we realize our nothingness. Here, in our emptiness, God fills us.

    390. When we seek the beauty and goodness of God everywhere, the effect that the faults of others have on us fades away.

    391. When we listen to the voice of God and to the cry of the needy, the voices of gossip and uncharitable words fade away.

    392. When we speak works that enlighten and inspire, the need to self-defend and utter words that cause turmoil and pain fade away.

    393. When we open to the truth, untruths, distractions, destructive thoughts, rash judgments, false suspicions, and vengeful thoughts fade away.

    394. When we love God with our heart, mind, and strength, and love one another as God loves, selfishness, shame, hatred, and jealousy fade away.

    395. Our spiritual life begins the moment in which we become aware of the creative action of God and are therefore able to respond or resist.

    396. The most momentous steps forward we can make are ones that take us beyond self-interest and set up a direct intercourse with each other.

  • 397. To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.

    398. If we try to know something without first loving it, we will not know it very well at all.

    399. Divine love, incarnate and indwelling in the world, summons us toward wholeness, which ultimately is reconciliation and at-one-ment.

    400. Until God comes to us, we are benighted, wintered and frozen, clouded and eclipsed, damped and benumbed, smothered and stupefied.

    401. God comes to us, not as the dawning of the day, not as the bud of the spring, but as the sun at noon.

    402. If we want to unfold, we can let no place in us hold ourselves closed. For where we are closed, we are counterfeit.

    403. Change moves us through episodes of clarity and confusion. Then suddenly, when we least expect it, we are shoved across a threshold.

    404. Deep within we long for unity because, at the most basic level, we are already one.

    405. The illusion of our separateness makes it hard for us to seek the common good.

    406. We are what our deep desire is. It is our deepest desire in this life that shapes the life to come.

    407. Beauty and grace are performed whether or not we recognize them. The least we can do is try to be there.

    408. Divine love is deeply personal. It is invested organically in the heart of all matter. It unifies all things.

  • 409. Creation contributes to God what God lacks – materiality. Evolution is not only the universe coming to be. It is God who is coming to be.

    410. Evolution is 'wholemaking' in action. It is the rise of a consciousness that realizes self-separateness is an illusion.

    411. Will we smugly put down the different, or embrace those who, without our care, would find the exciting path of life just another sad road?

    412. Dying is not the end, it is just the beginning. Death ushers in a fuller manifestation of life, to be more fully in the presence of love.

    413. Even if we’re on the right track, we’ll get run over if we just sit there.

    414. We only surrender our body in death. We must live each day as if it were our last so that when called, we are prepared for this surrender.

    415. Get to know someone new. Expect a surprise. Learn from each other. Delight in the abundance that arises from unexpected sources.

    416. Despite all our limitations, gestures of generosity, solidarity and care cannot but well up within us, since we are made for love.

    417. Dangers to our survival move us to evolve. When feedback tells us that our behaviors are dysfunctional, we respond by changing.

    418. Our goal is to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering in order to discover what each of us can do about it.

    419. Good work is a creative force that flows within each of us. Its purpose is to put us in step with the dynamic power of transformation.

    420. We understand so little of what is around us because we do not use what is within us.

  • 421. When we’re through changing, we’re through.

    422. The world is an integrated whole. Not separated parts.

    423. To know if a plea is truly prayer, answer the question: how does it affect the poor? What we do to them, we do to God.

    424. All our initiative is in reality a response to God’s secret presence working within us.

    425. The world is not a problem to be solved; it is a being to which we belong. Until we see our interconnectedness, there can be no healing.

    426. Matter is not composed of basic building blocks but complicated webs of relations. Interconnectedness lies at the core of all that exists.

    427. Living in human-made environments, disconnected from the natural world, we have lost our connection of respect with the earth.

    428. The earth might soon become the very thing that will convert us. We all breathe the same air and drink the same water.

    429. What we do is so little we may seem to be constantly failing. But unless the seed fall into the earth and die, there is no harvest.

    430. Our work is to sow. Another generation will reap the harvest.

    431. If a rock is in the way, the root of a tree will change its direction. Even a rat will change its tactics to get a piece of cheese.

    432. Since we affect one another in spite of distance, then we are not composed of material substances but deeply entangled fields of energy.

  • 433. Each of us moves things along in the direction of healing each time we choose to love. Grace glides on the wave of desire and intention.

    434. God is not ‘in’ heaven nearly as much as God ‘is’ the force field that allows us to create heaven through our intentions and actions.

    435. This dis-ease of being “busy” saps our ability to be present with those we love and keeps us from forming the community we desire.

    436. In our culture we are often too busy to truly grieve and allow ourselves to experience heartache for the suffering in our world.

    437. In our rush to fix problems, we neglect to give space and time for our wounds to teach us.

    438. The first step toward change is acceptance. Change is not something we do. It’s something we allow.

    439. Maturity is to find the ‘fun’ in the dysfunctional. It is to let our limitations reveal unlimited potential.

    440. Breakdown is the natural outcome when our fantasies about worldly power begin to die and the inner eye begins to open.

    441. What has substance to the world turns out to be nothing more than substantial illusion, and what is deemed worthless has amazing value.

    442. The way into heaven is not worthiness, but unworthiness, not capacity, but deep need, trust, surrender and gratitude.

    443. Worthiness is a game of denial and pretend that our mind plays. We're all saved by grace. We're all being loved in spite of ourselves.

    444. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.

  • 445. Nothing is more acceptable to God than when we die to ourselves. When there is a choice to be made, take the narrow way.

    446. We have to accept death as part of life, even the most horrible or sudden of deaths, if we really want to live.

    447. If we live an entire life in each one of our days, does it really matter if we live a few days more or a few days less?

    448. We must die to one life before we can enter into another.

    449. Love in action is not the love in dreams. Love in dreams is rapidly performed in the sight of all. Active love requires courage and stamina.

    450. To heal means to rediscover that place of wholeness within … to peel away the layers between the deeper Self and us.

    451. Emotions are just sirens alerting us to pay attention. If we listen to them instead of obeying them, they can be good teachers.

    452. Emotions stem predominantly from our needs for survival and security, affection and esteem, or power and control. Let them come and go.

    553. Happiness is an "inside job" and not dependent on outer circumstances or other peoples' response to us.

    454. Everything is connected. No one thing can change by itself.

    455. Spiritual practice helps us recognize compulsive patterns, detach from the cycle, and stop obsessive repetition.

    456. The greatest skill of all is to take the bitter with the sweet and make it beautiful, and of the whole make one great harmony.

  • 457. Addiction is an illness resulting from longing, frustrated desire, and deep inner dissatisfaction and emptiness.

    458. The world will not change until we do.

    459. Addiction emerges out of a lack of inner experience of intimacy with oneself, with God, with life, and with the moment.

    460. Sometimes we tend to confuse intensity with intimacy. Manufactured intensity and true intimacy are opposites.

    461. In the search for intimacy, we often relate to an object, a substance or event in a way that cannot give us the intimacy we seek.

    462. We always need more and more of anything that is not working.

    463. After periods of under-stimulation it takes very little to delight. Everything is painted with rich colors. Happiness is everywhere.

    464. When we develop a love relationship with a substance, it becomes the key emotional relationship with life. This is a god who cannot save.

    465. Discipleship is not a question of our own doing. It is a matter of making room to see, and then respond to the God that lives in us.

    466. Day by day, year by year, we either grow more generous of heart, less fearful of change, more aligned with love, or we do not.

    467. We would rather be ruined than changed. We would rather die in our dread than climb the cross of the present and let our illusions die.

    468. We are where we are, and it is up to us whether there is a purpose in it or not. Stuff isn’t inherently meaningful; we make it meaningful.

  • 469. Though most of our problems tend to be psychological, the solutions are always spiritual.

    470. Our lives are not about us. We are about Life. This unitive encounter is the cure for our inherent selfishness and separateness.

    471. Longing, delaying, and backsliding always precede the full leap of faith.

    472. The surrender of faith is an extended journey, a trust walk, a gradual letting go, an unlearning, and handing over.

    473. The core work of spirituality is to open our opinionated head, our closed-down heart, and our defensive and defended body.

    474. Grace simply happens, and although we cannot work for it, we deserve it. It is our birthright to become familiar with the deeper Self.

    475. The Realm of Spirit is broad, roomy, and all-inclusive. It is never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek.

    476. Be here now.

    477. Communion with a God, who shares in our powerlessness, failure, and humiliation, is to find ourselves revealed, renamed, and released.

    478. God put us here. God is here. God makes our home here, his home here. God is our home here.

    479. The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

    480. God is constantly anew and strange in comparison with what the mind has already understood.

  • 481. The only way to integrate action and contemplation is to go ahead and act, but every day to ask ourselves why we're doing it.

    482. The sun sends its rays upon us directly, paying no heed that we look distrustfully at one another.

    483. God knows us more intimately than we know ourselves. We can only keep it together when we believe that God holds us together.

    484. Some of us can’t bear to feel too relaxed and happy because past rejection has left us with too much anger.

    485. Everything flows. Nothing stays still.

    486. Failure is an opportunity for transformation and awakening. The aim is to return us to a useful position in the community.

    487. If we bring forth that which is within us, it will save us. If we do not bring it forth, it will destroy us.

    488. We cannot heal what we do not acknowledge, and what we do not consciously acknowledge will remain in control, festering and destroying.

    489. We are all addicted to our own chosen self-image. A true friend helps us forgive our own flaws by helping us hand them over to God.

    490. God meets us at mercy.

    491. May what we do flow from us like a river, no forcing and no holding back.

    492. To fully understand is always to stand under and let things have their way with us.

  • 493. Chance favors the prepared mind.

    494. Much is about waiting, preparing the mind for chance, deepening intention and desire, letting go, and being willing to change.

    495. We don’t need to look for happiness. If we have love for others we’ll be given it. It is the gift of God.

    496. Behind our facades, our bodies and spirits are sick. We feel fragmented, encased in the traps of our illusions, anorexic to life.

    497. We are responsible for our own thoughts and motives, and we cannot avoid the consequences. Thoughts and motives create the Real.

    498. We are actually punished by your sins, not for your sins.

    499. Threats of punishment or promises of reward later create perpetual adolescents and a very well disguised narcissism.

    500. To truly understand things we must stay outside the realm of comparison or judgment, seeing unity and connection before separating.

    501. We need to set each other free from the dullness of our routines and the poverty of our imaginations.

    502. If not now, when? If not here, where?

    503. Let us break the patterns which bind us to small commitments and to the stale answers we have given to questions of no importance.

    504. Coming to trust and surrender is the work of a lifetime, even though we know mercy instantaneously.

  • 505. Consistent prayer is the oil that greases the wheels of transformation.

    506. Surrender always feel like dying, and yet it is the necessary path to liberation.

    507. Eternity is not about unending life; what we know ends. Eternity is a new life, freed from death, a fullness of life where love is supreme.

    508. Everlasting life has less to do with duration of time and more to do with peace, fellowship, and abundance. Such a life can begin now.

    509. It is easier to notice what is breaking down than what is emerging. We often fail to see the way a community bands together after a storm.

    510. Breaking down precedes breaking through.

    511. Don’t squander energies on what does not heal and bless. Pour out for what matters most.

    512. We can never engineer our own transformation. If we try, it will be self-centered with most of our addictions still in place but disguised.

    513. God has to radically change the central reference point of our lives. Too much me can never find you – or anything beyond itself.

    514. To know that we don't know, to know that we are always in need, keeps us situated in right relationship with Life itself.

    515. God is oddly present in those for whom there is no room, with those who do not belong, who are rejected because they are regarded as weak.

    516. We need to set each other free from the dullness of our routines and the poverty of our imaginations.

  • 517. Let us break the patterns which bind us to small commitments and to the stale answers we have given to questions of no importance.

    518. When the walls of our defenses crumble and we begin to know our need, we begin to make room in our lives to receive God’s love.

    519. The birth of the Christ should not be thought of as a holiday on 12/25 but as an ever-recurring event that can be enacted in every life.

    520. God is everywhere and is therefore never in a particular place that is other than where we happen to be at each moment.

    521. We do not need to leave where we are and seek God’s presence somewhere else. God is right here, right now.

    522. The spiritual life is not a theory. Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us.

    523. Gossip is not a right but a major obstacle to human love and spiritual wisdom.

    524. If we start where we are and deepen what we already have, we realize that we are where we need to be and have everything we need to have.

    525. We are invited to mirror God’s image, to become light. What is around us is not hell, but a world waiting to be filled with hope and faith.

    526. Prayer is an exercise in divine participation – us opting in and God always there.

    527. How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.

    528. The will of God is not a fate to which we must submit, but a creative act that produces something new, unforeseen by established patterns.

  • 529. Our willingness to be open to creatively work with the hand that life and sin and circumstance have dealt us is our deepest prayer.

    530. We either see through the lens of our private needs and hurts, angers and memories or we empty this mind and see with the heart.

    531. People who have lost, let go, and are re-found on a new level are the people who can heal, reconcile, understand, and change others.

    532. Unless we walk through suffering, failure, or humiliation, our words will tend to be heard by the ears but unable to touch the soul.

    533. Mysteriously, life becomes more available when we find a way to somehow pass it on to the least of our brothers and sisters.

    534. We must be determined to awaken from sleep, to put things back where God intended them, and to set our life in God’s order wherever we can.

    535. Without cost we have received; without cost we are to give.

    536. To repent is to lay down one’s life, and then to lift it up, so that it can be laid down again for the common good.

    537. Doing God’s will replaces confusion with clarity. It releases us from the servitude of selfish desires and fears so that we can become free.

    538. What is heard depends on the inner psychological and spiritual maturity of the listener. What is received is received according to this.

    539. Mature people make lemonade out of lemons. Immature people turn the sweetest lemonade sour.

    540. History itself parallels the levels of individual development and growth. The trajectory is the same.

  • 541. Between each stage of growth there is always a necessary dying or period of darkness when the previous stage stops working.

    542. We are on a journey to wholeness, autonomy, the freedom to love, to care, to transfigure the earth – to what we are to do in the world.

    543. We are given an incomplete self and an incomplete world. When we participate in God’s nature, latent creative powers in us become alive.

    544. The world is created when there is an interchange of loving creative energies within an ongoing process of ever-new inventiveness.

    545. We are the people God's been waiting for.

    546. In Jesus, God makes us aware of what we are in order to make us … what God is.

    547. Divinely revolutionized humans are to be conspirators with God's dream of heaven on earth.

    548. A community that faithfully lives together in a new way embodies the most powerful force of social change.

    549. The only history that’s worth anything is the history we make today.

    550. It’s important to acknowledge – when Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired (HALT), and vulnerable to backslide – before it becomes a way of life.

    551. To move from a dualistic, self-centered worldview that arrogantly holds on to separateness and superiority, a death of the ego is required.

    552. God became human and dwelt among us so that we might not fear the divine as something terrible and distant but instead see that God is love.

  • 553. We are either seeking self-preservation or we are seeking self-surrender. There is no middle ground.

    554. To be who we want to be means doing what we want to be doing. By making actions specific, we carve out space for God’s way to be born.

    555. God appeared in the form of a servant. Love recognized its nature and the nature of the beloved as one. Therefore, service is our true form.

    556. Committing ourselves completely to the Light Within is the beginning of true life. It is a dynamic center that presses to birth within us.

    557. Committed compassionate love is never a stranger to the problems of one’s time.

    558. God is especially present in the midst of suffering, whether that comes from material poverty, political oppression, or living a lie.

    559. It is no use saying that we are born 2000 years too late to give room to Jesus. Christ is always with us, asking for room in our hearts.

    560. The accountability found in a single faith community, with all its imperfections, keeps us honest and real.

    561. There are no wide and strong branches without deep roots in one specific soil.

    562. Through the practice of deep looking and deep listening, we become free. After entering the well of mystical experience, we see beauty.

    563. Outside of a concrete community of relationships, we can imagine we are much more enlightened than we really are.

    564. In the Infinite Spirit, the flow is in both directions or there is no flow at all.

  • 565. We have everything we need unless we are letting ourselves be dominated by expectations based on the dead past or an imagined future.

    566. It’s about being a womb. Being a dwelling for God.

    567. Realizing that we all came from God and are headed back to God, whatever circuitous routes we take, makes us more patient with each other.

    568. We are either on a self-glorifying thrust, the way of self–exaltation, or we are on a movement to become human, to love one’s neighbor.

    569. Those who complain about how unfulfilled life is usually have lives filled with unsatisfied cravings, doubts, anxieties and fears.

    570. By sorting out everything that is not essential and that fills up space and silence in us, we learn what sort of purpose God has for us.

    571. There are exclusionary and punitive texts and those that stress inclusion and mercy. Which create a highway for God? Which are self-serving?

    572. Divine election is free and universal, and not bound by any ethnicity or era of time. Grace is inherent to our dignity as human beings.

    573. The secret of love still comes to us when we are as helpless as a human baby, naked, in an animal’s feeding trough.

    574. We are born out of an odd nativity that asks us to recognize that we are receivers before we are givers.

    575. What God does for us is beyond the bounds of earning through human effort or striving.

    576. We would rather see ourselves giving from a place of power, standing on our own and helping those who have nothing, than to receive.

  • 577. It is a gift to see ourselves as we are – empty-handed recipients of a gracious God who comes to us when we are as helpless as a baby.

    578. Peace is rooted in our acceptance of the most harrowing self-sacrifice imaginable – full surrender to the cross of present with love.

    579. We awaken our deepest and most profound selves by living and fully accepting our present reality.

    580. We are not human beings on a journey toward the spiritual; we are already spiritual beings on a journey toward becoming fully human.

    581. We cannot attain the presence of God because we're already in the presence of God. What's absent is awareness.

    582. An open mind says, "I don't know anything." What blocks growth is the assumption that we already know, or that we don't need to know.

    583. Spirituality is about seeing. It's about intimate relationship with people and things rather than achieving results or meeting requirements.

    584. God cannot be grasped by our intellect. There are limits to human reason. However, when we become empty, the divine manifests in awe.

    585. The miracle of God comes through us. The divine lies within and waits for the hour when we shall open ourselves, having found God and home.

    586. When we find God, home, or family, we will not keep wealth to ourselves. We will let it flow out into the world.

    587. What is, is the great teacher.

    588. God's life and love is living itself in us. Are we aware of life and love living itself in us?

  • 589. You cannot not live in the presence of God. This however demands confidence that must be chosen many times and a surrender that is hard won.

    590. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.

    591. We can clutch the past so tightly to our chest that it leaves our arms too full to embrace the present.

    592. How we see anything is how we see everything. When we can see beauty where we are not accustomed to seeing beauty, then we see real beauty.

    593. Either we see the divine image in all created things, or we don't see it at all.

    594. With true sight, everything becomes so enchanting that we want to participate.

    595. It is so hard to draw ourselves out of the self-importance of our own lives.

    596. Unless our concern for those in poverty is equivalent to those in our own family, we will not be able to better society.

    597. We are either messengers of light, or we are striving to keep it hidden by not speaking out and disturbing the dragons of darkness.

    598. What we seek is what we are. Our search for God and the search for our True Self are the same search.

    599. Only when we are eager to love can we see love and goodness in the world around us.

    600. We are created for the purpose of love. Instead, we make our own plans and get resentful when they don’t materialize the way we would like.

  • 601. Those who live in the present live in eternity.

    602. We have to come to a place in our lives where we can say, “You, O Lord, you choose for me.”

    603. It is good when we find room in our heart for anyone who asks. Not because they remind us of Jesus, but because they are Christ.

    604. As a bride and bridegroom, God loves us each in a particular and incomparable way.

    605. To be saved means to feel beloved, chosen, and God's favorite. How do we know if we are saved? We approach each other in this way.

    606. Divine mercy is available even to a prodigal who is angry, resentful, and darting their eyes in every direction for a chance of escape.

    607. Everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love.

    608. Love works only inside humility.

    609. Intimacy is trustful self-disclosure. We cannot go there without letting down our walls and manifesting our deeper self to another.

    610. People who avoid intimacy are imprisoned in a small world. Intimacy, or mutual vulnerability, is the only gateway to human or divine love.

    611. We are created with a bottomless and endless need to be loved and to love. This is stirs us onto a path that leads to the True Self.

    612. Ultimately, the vulnerability of God seduces us.

  • 613. When we find ourselves in a dark night, the moment, where a bright light breaks in and a new day of creation is begun, is always near.

    614. Love is both who we are and who we are still becoming. Love becomes love in a unique form called me.

    615. We ride life's wonderful mystery for a few years until life morphs into a love that is beyond space and time.

    616. The dream of peace is not merely a dream. It is not impossible. The power to liberate is already present and is already among us.

    617. Love and life are finally the same thing, and we know that for ourselves once we have walked through death. Love alone lasts.

    618. The call to be grateful is a call to trust that every moment of our life can be claimed as the way that leads us to new life.

    619. Although the spiritual path is rewarding and wondrous, it is not easy. By its very nature it entails challenges and can be very difficult.

    620. Change the way we look at things, and the things we look at change.

    621. We cannot solve the problems in our life by condemning them.

    622. When we experience anguish, depression or an absence of love, then it’s time to look at how we’ve been attracting these conditions.

    623. We will come to God through what is the actual, or quite simply what is. God comes to us disguised as our life.

    624. This, the here and now, is it. It doesn't get any better than this. It's all good. Life can ooze and shine through anything.

  • 625. God is manifest in the ordinary, in the actual, in the daily, in the now, and is even in the evil.

    626. All disrespect, all hardheartedness, all contempt is nothing else than killing what is in the present, as well as what is in the future.

    627. Life is waiting everywhere, flowering everywhere, but we only see a small part of it and so trample much of it with our feet.

    628. When we move from the mad pace of daily outer burdens and inward uneasiness, a way of life of unhurried serenity and peace and power awaits.

    629. God is always given, incarnate in every moment and present to those who know how to be present themselves.

    630. Our reason for being is to bless whatever is. This singular command is engraved in our heart, and in our heart of hearts we know it.

    631. Human and divine as well as earth and heaven are one. We bear this mystery.

    632. It is time for us to really believe that the status quo can be shattered and that peace is imminent and ready to break in.

    633. Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit.

    634. We must find out what part of the mystery of God is ours to reflect.

    635. When “the face of the other” (especially a suffering face) is received and empathized with, it leads to transformation of our whole being.

    636. When we are not an ego in charge of it all, we realize that we are a part of the Whole and begin to search for our place.

  • 637. We are called to restore what gets broken; share what we have; listen, grieve and rejoice together; take responsibility for each other.

    638. Keep falling deeply in love with God’s purposes, to God’s justice and mercy, and become yoked to a vision beyond our own.

    639. Let us walk together from this day forward, seeking the other’s good through whatever comes, finding new ways to love.

    640. Love takes surrender, a detachment from our selves – from our conditioning, preferences, prejudices, and knee-jerk neurological reactions.

    641. As our freedom from our ego expands and we get ourselves out of the way, there is an expansion of consciousness.

    642. The possibility of love is always right in front of us and always concrete; it is not a theory, a heroic ideal, or a mere distant goal.

    643. Without being forgiven and released from the consequences of what we have done, our capacity to act can be continuously confined.

    644. We cannot see what we were not told to look for or told to expect.

    645. That which protects privilege and wealth is diametrically opposed to the coming order where inclusiveness, nonviolence and peace reign.

    646. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. You can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.

    647. We share in the divine nature even in our wounded state, even in a wounding world.

    648. Resurrection does not just mean an eternally enduring life in the future. It first means a present life of eternal significance.

  • 649. We are at home both here and forever

    650. Those who have let go of selfish interests, grown beyond their own lives, and see the poor as their family are the ones worthy of our trust.

    651. Some form of loss, metamorphosis, or transformation always precedes any rejuvenation.

    652. There’s no answer for how to deal with unjust suffering, betrayal, rejection, judgment, abandonment, or humiliation except with surrender.

    653. The truest level of love is one where each and every thing offers itself for another.

    654. We are all summoned to first and foremost trust and embark on a journey toward loving solidarity with all.

    655. To take seriously and follow humbly the beyond-us-working-through-us power is the means to recreate ourselves and restructure the world.

    656. Retributive justice appeals to the ego. Restorative justice brings true transformation.

    657. Those who live in the present live in eternity.

    658. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

    659. Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.

    660. As long as we remain inside of a dualistic, win-lose script, we will continue to be attracted to vindictive moralisms and miss the banquet.

  • 661. True community is not a worthiness attainment scheme managed from without. It is a transformational system awakening us from within.

    662. When we fall into the ocean of mercy, we stop counting, measuring, or weighing. These tendencies run counter to the experience of grace.

    663. Water always falls and pools up in the very lowest and darkest places, just like mercy does. Mercy is grace in action.

    664. Nothing is as critical or intense, nothing surer or stronger, than hearing God’s call. This call is uninterrupted: God is always calling us.

    665. Growth is not inevitable. It comes through the effort of those willing to be coworkers with God. Otherwise, time supports stagnation.

    666. If we keep our eyes open, something familiar will reveal itself to us in a new way. What we know is taken apart and we are remade.

    667. The flow of grace through us is largely blocked when we live inside a worldview of scarcity, a feeling that there's just not enough.

    668. There is more than enough for our need but never enough for our greed.

    669. Failure is just an occasion and opportunity to learn and practice love, especially toward our self.

    670. Mercy is not a virtue that we choose. It is way of seeing, a worldview of abundance, where we no longer withhold, protect, or hoard.

    671. There is nothing that needs to be hated, rejected, denied, or judged as unworthy or unnecessary.

    672. Though we may have wasted many days in idle and selfish pursuits, it is never to late to be awakened to the value of our remaining days.

  • 673. When we who give handouts to those in need have an opportunity to encounter those we’ve helped, the one-way street begins to become two-way.

    674. Grace leads us to states of emptiness that it alone can fill if we are willing to trust the void and not try to quickly numb our anxiety.

    675. Action and lifestyle is what matters, not just mentally believing dogmatic or moral positions to be true or false.

    676. We are often resistant to change and tend to protect the status quo much more than the hopeful futures brought about by agreeing to change.

    677. The secret to intervention lies in the degree that we believe and then accept with our hearts and lives that the action will take place.

    678. Love asks us to accept our life as it is, to look at all the pain and darkness as well as the power and light within us, and still say yes.

    679. Peace is found not in climbing but in descending, not at the top but at the bottom, not among the insiders but with the outsider.

    680. Protected and unequal social relationships manufacture violence and mistrust. This is countered where there is equal power in relationships.

    681. Voluntary simplicity has become essential for our social survival.

    682. Only one brick can be laid or only one step can be taken at a time. We are only responsible for taking one action at a time.

    683. As the seed of love sprouts in each of us, peace comes forth. Peace is not the work of anyone great. It comes as it grows in each of us.

    684. Less stuff invariably makes room for more of what matters. Possessions and what matters often operate in inverse proportion to one another.

  • 685. Only through simplicity do we find deep contentment. Perpetually striving is indicative of unsatisfied living.

    686. Silence is the language of faith. Action is the translation.

    687. In the midst of the mounting waves of panic, let us bring peace to those who are drowning in loveless resentment.

    688. Start with the positive and not with a problem.

    689. The overly guarded person is broken by misfortune. The wounds of the flexible and vulnerable person are teachers instead of their demise.

    690. Freedom is to not be bound by fear, overwhelmed by worry or ransacked by resentment. It is to face whatever comes without retreat or attack.

    691. Explanation separates us from wonder, which is the only gateway to that which is beyond our understanding.

    692. The world fears a new experience more than it fears anything, because a new experience displaces so many old experiences.

    693. If a new way of seeing includes such things as simplicity, nonviolence, restorative justice and inclusivity, anticipate resistance.

    694. Our innermost being invites us into a world of mutuality and vulnerability.

    695. All of us are called to be traveling companions on a path that leads to love.

    695. Once we fall into love, we can't fall out. It's not something we do. It's something that is done to us, and all we can do is let go.

    696. Those who love God love themselves and everybody else. Those who love themselves and everyone else love God.

  • 697. Those who want to just get along will lose their lives. Those who uproot to lovingly accompany those who suffer will secure their lives.

    698. Love is the source and purpose, faith is the slow process of getting there, and hope is the willingness to move forward.

    699. Silence brings us back to our senses, to our selves. Nurtured in silence, our awareness can lead us back to integrity and meaning.

    700. When love is planted in fertile soil, it always has an exponential yield.

    701. When we really trust that God is practically involved in our ordinary lives, we come to experience God’s transformative and uniting power.

    702. God doesn’t love one more than another. However, some learn how to hear and trust God's initiatives better than others.

    703. Self-critical thinking advances consciousness, quiets the dualistic mind, finds patience with ambiguity, and calls forth rational honesty.

    704. Self-criticism is rare, yet it is necessary to keep us from a natural tendency toward arrogant self-assurance.

    705. We need failure and the tough nature that is frightened by nothing, that holds firm and starts over and over again until it succeeds.

    706. Whoever does not take on the danger of defeat, loneliness, and setback, can never grow or create from the heart.

    707. In terms of the ego, pain teaches us that we must die before we die.

    708. Suffering seems to be the only thing strong enough to both weaken and reveal our arrogance, our separateness, and our lack of compassion.

  • 709. Suffering, or whenever we are not in control, is the way whereby we learn to trust, allow, and give up control to Another Source.

    710. The cross reveals both the path and the price of full transformation into the divine.

    711. If we do not transform our pain, we will transmit it. If we do not transform our pain, we will invariably give up on life and each other.

    712. We must demonstrate a new way, where lives are dedicated to working for the common good, sharing with others in practical ways.

    713. Holy people find God in nature and everywhere else. Heady people only find God in books and words, and finally not even there.

    714. Fear only sees appearances. Faith and love see substance, see reality.

    715. God is community, relationship, communion, participation in a giving and receiving of many diverse things in love with one another.

    716. It is not; if we do it right we go to heaven later. It is; we who receive and reflect love are in heaven now.

    717. It is not; we are loved if and when we change. It is; we are loved so that we can change.

    718. Sharing silence creates a bond that cannot be compared to ordinary exchanges. It reveals us and helps us know that each of us is essential.

    719. Our work is merely to till the fertile soil, knowing that the Indwelling Spirit has already been planted within.

    720. Sin is the illusion of separateness from God, not naughty behavior. It is a blindness that traps us in self-destructive behaviors.

  • 721. Revelation is about awakening, not accomplishing. It is about realization, not performance.

    722. You cannot get there, you can only be there.

    723. Before conversion we tend to think of God as out there. After transformation we know that God is in both our agony as well as our ecstasy.

    724. When we forgive, we are forgiven. Forgiveness is forgiveness. The forgiveness we give is one and the same with the forgiveness we receive.

    725. A seed flourishes by staying in the ground in which it is sown. When it is dug up to check whether it is growing, it will never bear fruit.

    726. When we do not attend to our inner conflicts, we will find ourselves both torn apart by our inner divisions and inflicting wounds on others.

    727. It is often our indifference, gluttony, mediocrity, materialism, sensuality and selfishness that causes others to lose faith in faith.

    728. Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

    729. The way forward is a new spirituality by which humans around the globe can unite in love.

    730. Those who never think they have failed or feel unacceptable can never know the relief of being accepted by God.

    731. It is in the shelter of each other that we find our true home.

    732. Individualism unnaturally separates us from one another. Unfortunately, too many of us sit in this darkness far too long.

  • 733. We bring peace to others to the degree that we keep peace within ourselves.

    734. Change, growth and transformation are only possible when we are vulnerable.

    735. When we judge others, we do not define them, we define ourselves.

    736. Order cannot solve most problems, especially pain and suffering. Without rejecting either Order or Disorder, grace moves us toward Reorder.

    737. Often, when things feel as if they are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.

    738. A new kind of power is generated when we recognize our own powerlessness.

    739. Solidarity with other people's suffering creates the conditions whereby comfortable people are converted.

    740. We are the only temples where the divine dwells.

    741. When we seal ourselves off from the undesired other, the stranger, we reject the love that can heal us.

    742. When we lose the priority of God's love for fragile humanity, we miss an opportunity to participate in the mystery of dying and rising.

    743. Compassion continues the Incarnation. The Incarnation is not yet complete. It is to be completed in us.

    744. For those willing to welcome suffering when it comes, the heart is stretched and enlarged.

  • 745. Love is the most powerful and still most unknown energy in the world.

    746. In the end, we will only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have, and decisions we waited too long to make.

    747. When we buy anything, we don’t pay $ for it. We pay with the hours of life we had spent earning that $. It is sad to waste life that way.

    748. The resurrection introduces new life into history. Not simply a promise but a present reality that brings forth fruit within community.

    749. The most important hour is the present. The most significant person is the one sitting across from you now. The most necessary work is love.

    750. Attention, without a feeling of gratitude, is not awake.

    751. We grieve because we love. Part of grieving is to find a way to keep loving, despite the sadness.

    752. When our wounds cease to be a source of shame and become a source of healing, we then become wounded healers.

    753. The highest form of freedom carries with it the greatest measure of discipline.

    754. Happiness is an inside job. We are responsible for our own happiness.

    755. When we talk, we are only repeating what we already know. When we listen, we learn something new.

    756. We may never know what results come from our action. But if we do nothing, there will be no result.

  • 757. Only vulnerable people change and, as a result, only vulnerable people affect change in others.

    758. The easiest way to change something is to change our perspective or position.

    759. When we complain, we make ourselves victims. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is insanity.

    760. In the end, we’re just walking each other home.

    761. If we act anxiously to hasten our results, we delay their arrival. Calm poise reveals the most direct way to our destination.

    762. When we see value even in our wounds, every experience holds promise, every encounter carries insight, and every event brings meaning.

    763. To enter into some form of personal lifestyle solidarity with the powerless is one of the most transformative experiences available to us.

    764. When we see things in a unitive way, our sight is no longer self-referential. Participating in love changes everything.

    765. If you resolve to use humble love, once and for all, you will find it to be the strongest of all things. There is nothing else like it.

    766. May we grow tired of being asleep and ask for flesh that feels and weeps for the immense suffering of our world today.

    767. There is no peace to be found in external things – be it in places or ways of life or people or activities or solitude or poverty.

    768. The world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, but only by a journey where we arrive at where we are at, and learn to be home.

  • 69. Religion is largely filled with people who are afraid of hell. Spirituality is for people who have gone through hell.

    770. In one way or another we have to die before we die. Then we know.

    771. Hope is an aliveness that fills us with the strength to stay present, to abide in the flow of Mercy no matter what outer storms assail us.

    772. Hope is entered always and only through surrender, through the willingness to let go of everything we are presently clinging to.

    773. Squandered time, temptation, weakness, lack of courage or discipline, disorganization, have their origin in the neglect of morning prayer.

    774. We either respond from the need to be approved and correct, or from the need to love and connect.

    775. Growth is a continuous rebirth. The superficial life of the ego-self is discarded and the invisible self of the Spirit becomes more present.

    776. We have to get up from the table when love is no longer being served.

    777. Never be defined by the past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.

    778. When we blame others we give up our power to change.

    779. Often we are least lovable when we need love the most.

    780. Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it.

  • 781. Two reasons people change. Their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken.

    782. One is never wounded by the love one gives, only by the love one expects.

    783. Smile at the obstacle, for it is a bridge.

    784. Let us surround ourselves with people who make us hungry for life, touch our hearts, and nourish our spirits.

    785. Nothing haunts us like the things we don’t say.

    786. The only people with whom we should try to get even with are those who have helped us.

    787. Every experience we are given in life is a lesson to help us grow into the next more magnificent manifestation of our self.

    788. Never in the history of calming down has anyone calmed down by being told to calm down.

    789. God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling.

    790. We’re already in the presence of God. What is absent is awareness.

    791. When one door closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.

    792. If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door.

  • 793. Inhaling Yah, exhaling weh speaks God’s name, participates in God's breath, and is our first and last word as we enter and leave the world.

    794. Holiness is not a private matter. It’s our connectedness together. It’s only communal and participatory. No individual can carry such glory.

    795. Silence puts the stopper on all self-justification. It is the freedom to let God be our justifier. We don’t need to straighten others out.

    796. Impatience is trying to get away from where we are. The treasure we seek is hidden in the ground on which we stand.

    797. Forgiveness is not forgetfulness of the past. It is the risk of a future other than the one imposed by the past or by memory.

    798. The ultimate freedom is to be free from the need to impress others.

    799. Rules set forth a good that can never be disregarded, but in their formulation they cannot provide absolutely for all particular situations.

    800. Love must prevail over judgmentalism.

    801. When we know each other’s hearts, we live outside the touch of time.

    802. When we run alone, it’s called a race. When God runs with us, it’s called grace.

    803. When loss leaves us unsure of where to go and who to be and with whom to continue, we either regret or we follow the ever-evolving call.

    804. Faith is confidence and trust that God cares about what is happening right now.

  • 805. God is not known intellectually. God can only be loved and known in the act of love. God is only experienced in communion.

    806. Love is a living organism, an active force-field upon which we can rely, from which we can draw and allow to pass through us.

    807. When one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear. Knowing what must be done does away with fear.

    808. Growth is liberation from the small, false or separate self and falling into union with God and each other, or the true self.

    809. Love enters through a broken heart.

    810. A person who cares nothing for praise or blame knows great inward peace. Not focusing on externals, they connect heart to heart.

    811. What we most hate is what we most deny in ourselves. What we most love is what we most wish for in ourselves.

    812. Identification with the suffering is not only a matter of sympathy or of action. It is also interpretation of the needs of the voiceless.

    813. Death is not just physical dying. It is hitting the bottom, going the distance, beyond where I am in control, beyond where I am now.

    814. Only at the point of no return are we carried by unearned grace. Worthiness is never the ticket. The ticket is given in the desiring.

    815. We are a part of something, more than we are observing or believing in something.

    816. Outward attempts to find consolation often act as obstacles to the development of the inner life.

  • 817. Awakening is not changing who we are. It is discarding who we are not.

    818. There is only one way to avoid criticism; do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.

    819. Not sure if it can be called giving if we give what we do not need.

    820. When we forgive, we don’t change the past. We change the future.

    821. When we walk on the earth with reverence, beauty will decide to trust us. A rushed heart lacks the patience to enter this embrace.

    822. The one purpose of all spiritual disciplines is to get rid of the illusions that interfere with us being present.

    823. Though holiness is in the now, we go through life only half conscious of it, asleep or intent on being someplace other than where we are.

    824. It’s about being alive to all the life that is in us now, to know each moment to the utmost.

    825. To be born again is not to become somebody else, but to become ourselves

    826. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strength.

    827. We are called to participate in the very nature of God, which is Love.

    828. Faith means living with uncertainty and feeling our way through life, letting our heart guide us like a lantern in the dark.

  • 829. If we do not feel grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we’d be happy with more?

    830. The words we speak will become the house that we live in.

    831. Kindness is what activates and then fuels the birthing of the life force within us.

    832. We can’t be free of pain, but we can be free of suffering.

    833. An optimist sees an opportunity in every misfortune; a pessimist sees misfortune in every opportunity.

    834. If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

    835. The danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.

    836. Wisdom consists in doing the next thing you have to do, doing it with your whole heart, and finding delight in doing it.

    837. There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.

    838. When we get the inside right, the outside falls into place.

    839. It is time to reinvent ourselves in love, to become midwives of divinity in our evolving world.

    840. The life we save is the life we lose. The life we play safe with is a life worth little. Only a life given away is a life worth living.

  • 841. We have to stumble through so much dirt and humbug before we reach home. And our only guide is our homesickness.

    842. When we live in complete acceptance of what is, that is the end of all the drama in our lives.

    843. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.

    844. It’s not what we get out of the text. It’s what the text gets out of us.

    845. Intolerance is a sign of inadequate education. Without education one behaves with arrogant impatience. Education generates humility.

    846. We receive form God by releasing and letting go.

    847. Prayer isn’t to remind God what our problems are. It is to remind our problems who god is.

    848. God's love is best communicated by the journey and bonding process that God initiates in community.

    849. Once we recognize we are inseparable from God, we also recognize how inseparable we are from each other.

    850. Until and unless faith is experienced as a living relationship between people, it remains largely an abstraction.

    851. God’s love is passed on personally through faithfulness and forgiveness, through concrete bonds of union, not by words or institutions.

    852. It’s not about God hearing what’s prayed for. It’s about us hearing what God is asking for.

  • 853. God does not wait on human initiative of any sort to connect with us. God is already with us – whoever, whenever, and wherever.

    854. Since God is relationship itself, the goal of the spiritual journey is to discover and move toward connectedness on ever-new levels.

    855. Trusting "what is" is the jumping-off point toward working together for what can be.

    856. The world is a relational system full of complex inter-dependence amidst astonishing diversity. Our world should reflect this.

    857. What we now need are initiatives that create alternative systems for sharing resources.

    858. The sharing economy is commerce with the promise of human connection. People share a part of themselves.

    859. Each day brings a miracle. It’s just a matter of paying attention to it.

    860. To say that we are made in the image of God is to say that love is the reason for my existence, for God is love.

    861. Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.

    862. The more we stand in awe, the less we stand in judgment of each other.

    863. The goal is to build a life that we don’t need a vacation from.

    864. Unbelief is only a precursor to new forms of faith.

  • 865. When we see each other as beloved, it is like walking through a garden and watching flowers blooming all around us.

    866. An isolated individual is fragile and largely helpless to evoke long-term change or renewal.

    867. God calls us to the place where our deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.

    876. We cannot change what we refuse to confront.

    877. We need to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and embrace them with courage.

    868. We can see great things from the valley. We only see small things from the peak.

    869. Unity in the essentials, liberty in the non-essentials, and love in all things.

    870. Listen as the wind talks, as silence speaks, and as the heart knows.

    871. We must remember that it important to educate our hearts, as well as our minds.

    872. The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.

    873. Having relational friendships that stretch us is were the beginning of a challenge to the systems of privilege and racism begins.

    874. The pursuit of diversity is often very costly.

    875. If we want sustainable communities, we must welcome the other. Otherwise, we just have enclaves for the ego.

    876. Our species must discover a common meaning for living that will give our lives purpose and harmony.

  • 877. Our deepest human longing is for BE-longing; belonging to self, others, and unfathomable mystery.

    878. The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It’s connection.

    879. The earth does not belong to us. We belong to the earth.

    880. Let us walk as if we are kissing the earth with our feet.

    881. Heaven is both under our feet as well as over our heads.

    882. Work with people who want your best, not your busiest.

    883. Disconnect so you can fully connect to what matters most.

    884. We make ourselves rich by making our wants few.

    885. Peace is not a place of any noise or trouble. It is to be in the midst of these and still be calm in our heart.

    886. Materialism is a major distraction from bliss.

    887. The littlest things are the greatest pleasures when we don’t need much.

    888. If we want to be light, we have to let go.

  • 889. Often we don’t feel the weight of something we’ve been carrying until we feel the weight of its release.

    900. Allow the heart of god to beat in the heart we call our own.

    901. For every minute we are angry we lose sixty seconds of happiness.

    902. We are somebody only in as far as we are love, and only what has turned to love in our lives will be preserved.

    903. Love of self entails a profound acceptance of ourselves as we actually are without attempting to change our experience.

    904. We only have the courage to face our deep illusions when we are entirely loved and accepted by somebody who loves us unconditionally.

    905. We sin when do not love ourselves enough, when we do not accept the whole self and love the good self and reject the bad self.

    906. A humble spirit does not ask for more than it needs, and what it needs, the Universe provides.

    907. It matters not who we love, where we love, why we love, when we love or how we love. It matters only that we love.

    908. The more in harmony we are with the flow of our own existence, the more magical life becomes.

    909. Life isn’t about finding ourselves. It’s about creating ourselves.

    910. The past is a place of reference. Not a place of residence.

    911. Courage is not the absence of fear but the acquired ability to move beyond fear.

    912. We are both addicts and healers, both recipients and contributors, both those who welcome others and those needing to be welcomed.

  • 913. We all need to know that we belong.

    914. Our world is only a reflection of ourselves. Stop finding fault with the reflection.

    915. Everyone who comes into our life is either a blessing or a lesson.

    916. Don’t believe only what the eyes tell. All they show is limitation. When we look with the heart, we see the way to fly.

    917. Genuine repentance is to truly feel our human helplessness, while knowing that God is particularly present to us in our brokenness.

    918. When we reject those places that have narrowed our lives, an expansiveness that is beyond our imagination awaits us.

    919. Non-attachment happens when the divine Presence illuminates, and we become profoundly aware of how fleeting everything is.

    920. If we put our own good name before the other’s highest good, then we know nothing of Calvary love.

    921. As we look back at our lives and see from the perspective of the present moment, every aspect of our lives was necessary and essential.

    922. Our greatest guru is our own heart.

    923. Everything has its beauty and everyone is beautiful. Not everyone sees it.

    924. We can fail at what we don’t want, so we might as well take a chance on doing what we love.

  • 925, Fear can make us feel like a guard on duty. This constant feeling of anxiety, or pre-traumatic stress syndrome, cheats us out of so much.

    926. In order to be who we are, we must be willing to let go of who we think we are.

    927. Gratitude turns what we have into enough.

    928. It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow. If life is to be rounded and many-colored, both joy and sorrow must come to it.

    929. Often we spend too much time on what is urgent, the next crisis, and not enough time on what is important, the next solution.

    930. We are often less sure of what and whom we love than we are of what and whom we hate. Often we stake our identity on being against someone.

    931. Problems cannot be solved with the same consciousness that caused them.

    932. The truth will set us free, but first it will make us miserable.

    933. The True Self is not about requirements; it’s all about relationship. It's not about being correct; it's about being connected.

    934. The greatest sin is not listening in our heart to God. When we overcome this deafness, we experience great things.

    935. Though easy to love in the abstract, it is not love in the abstract that counts. We are called to love personally, those right next to us.

    936. To live in the spirit rather than the flesh, we go through crisis, and become as unhappy as it is possible to be from a human point of view.

  • 937. If we want to avoid suffering inward shipwreck in the storm of public chaos, then our inner being needs daily the quiet haven of communion.

    938. Happiness is not in another place or for another hour. It’s in this place and at this hour.

    939. We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way.

    940. Think less about what we were and focus more on who we are becoming.

    941. Expect nothing. Appreciate everything.

    942. We find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of our life, but by realizing who we are at the deepest level.

    943. We are not called to a conversation in words, but to an exchange of hearts.

    944. The most courageous thing we will ever do is to bear humbly the full mystery of our own humanity and divinity – operating as one.

    945. We should consider stop letting people who do so little for us to control so much of our mind, feelings and emotions.

    946. Self-forgetting gazing allows us to see created reality for what it truly – rather than what it is in terms of how we might use it.

    947. When we truly see who we are and then to act on it, we are then giving back to God what God has given to us.

    948. The quieter we become, the more we can hear.

  • 949. Before we speak, we can ask ourselves: Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve upon the silence?

    950. A breakthrough is an act of overcoming an obstacle or resistance, or a major achievement of success that permits further progress.

    951. It’s easy to stand with the crowd, but it takes courage to stand alone.

    952. All great spirituality is about what we do with our pain.

    953. The highest appreciation of our gratitude is not to utter words, but to live by them.

    954. If we do not transform our pain, we will transmit it to others through anger, blame, projection, hatred, or scapegoating.

    955. Our past does not determine who we are. Our past prepares us for who we are to become.

    956. We shouldn’t cling to a mistake just because we’ve spent a lot of time making it.

    957. It is during the season of loneliness and isolation that the caterpillar gets its wings.

    958. It makes sense to surround ourselves with people who look more like our future than our past.

    959. We must not be bitter. Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. It doesn't do anything to the object of its displeasure.

    960. Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are we doing for others?”

  • 961. The ego will endure the worst agonies of neurotic misery rather than consent to one minute of diminishment of its sense of importance.

    962. The ego is a veil between humans and God.

    963. Ego accumulations are not loosened with one swat. The continual work that is necessary is called disciplines.

    964. When we lose ourselves in love, we find everything.

    965. Our hearts get broken only to be opened.

    966. What we seek is seeking us.

    967. Forgiveness is the fragrance that flowers give when they are crushed.

    968. Love is the whole. We are the pieces.

    969. Be patient when sitting in the dark. The dawn is coming.

    970. Fall always comes before rising.

    971. The tree shows us how to let the dead leaves drop.

    972. When we are silent we fall into that place where everything is music.

  • 973. It makes sense to stay close to anything that makes us glad to be alive.

    974. There is a morning inside of us waiting to burst open into light.

    975. Love is the absence of judgment.

    976. The ones who love us never really leave us. We can always find them in here.

    977. The winds of change challenge us to choose walls or windmills.

    978. Being a candle is not easy. In order to give light one must burn.

    979. Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain.

    980. Silence gives us a new perspective.

    981. Silence speaks when words can’t.

    982. Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly we are doing the impossible.

    983. Where there is love there is life.

    984. All of us have gone through something that has changed us in such a way that we can never go back to the person we once were.

  • 985. To complain is always non-acceptance of what is. To accept reality is to forgive reality for being what it is.

    986. Every painful event contains in itself a seed of growth and liberation.

    987. When we move away from what’s comfortable, don’t worry about our reputation or get lost in prudent planning, life begins in earnest.

    988. Healing begins when we shed our victim mentality.

    989. Love and hurry are fundamentally incompatible. Love always takes time, and time is the one thing hurried people don't have.

    990. We center on the spiritual part of our being not by reaching for the Spirit, but by letting go of the rest.

    991. Our most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge but a heart full of love, with ears open to listen, and hands willing to help.

    992. Every time I judge someone else I reveal an unhealed part of myself.

    993. We must learn a new way to think before we can master a new way to be.

    994. Surrender dissolves the resistance in our heart, opening us up to god’s grace.

    995. New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.

    996. There are two great days in our life. The day we are born and the day we discover why.

  • 997. Doubt kills more dreams that failure ever will.

    998. No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted.

    999. We never look good trying to make someone else look bad.

    1000. Vision becomes clear when we look into our heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakens.

    1001. The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.

    1002. Wherever our focus is directed, that’s where out energy goes. Whatever we allow in our space, we eventually become.

    1003. Each moment is a complete new experience when viewed from the eyes of an awakened observer.

    1004. We can only grow if we are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when we try something new.

    1005. We are only one decision away from a totally different life.

    1006. If the challenge seems a bit too overwhelming, that’s the one we want. When we take it on, it pulls us up.

    1007. Our focus determines our reality.

    1008. What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.

  • 1009. When we go 24 hours without complaining, life changes.

    1010. When we chase two rabbits, both escape.

    1011. We must be brave enough to start a conversation that matters.

    1012. Peace is the result of retraining our mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.

    1013. We cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.

    1014. Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.

    1015. If we fuel our journey on the options of others, we are going to run out of gas.

    1016. God made us in his image; and so she intends for each of us to be like her.

    1017. The quieter we become the more we can hear.

    1018. Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.

    1019. Peace is the state where love abides and seeks to share itself.

    1020. The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.

  • 1021. Sorrow sweeps clean the house so joy may move in.

    1022. Facing our mortality and then integrating it into our daily lives, makes earth, as it is in heaven.

    1023. A slave is someone who sits down and waits for someone else to free them.

    1024. The experience of love is the engine of change. Don’t look for love. Be love.

    1025. It’s important to take care of our thoughts when we’re alone and our words when we’re with others.

    1026. It is not happiness that makes us grateful; it is gratefulness that makes us happy.

    1027. Humility is the ability to return good for evil. It is a miracle that rests in each human heart.

    1028. The secret to living well and longer is to eat half, walk double, laugh triple, and love without measure.

    1029. We wait for retreats, services, and grand gatherings to take us to God, and God is with us all the while.

    1030. Losses demand choices. They can be passages to anger, blame, depression and resentment, or a passage to something new and beautiful.

    1031. Worry is practicing the absence of God’s presence.

    1032. Change always feels like dying